It is no surprise, companies are learning that focusing on driver safety dramatically reduces the frequency and severity of vehicle accidents, reduces operating costs and promotes a positive company image to customers. Traditionally, businesses that run a fleet of vehicles have had to rely on feedback, whether it’s positive or negative, from members of the public motivated to call in to report on their drivers’ behavior or management’s infrequent observations. Today, technology can proactively measure key areas of performance.
Sophisticated GPS vehicle tracking technology can be used to help companies gather valuable data on driver behavior for monitoring and analysis. This allows businesses to keep an eye on driving style and, by adopting a positive driving style strategy, can help encourage drivers to be more considerate which could potentially lead to a host of additional business benefits.

The Reasons
An in depth study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress reveled that adopting efficient driving behaviors can result in fuel savings on the order of 20%.
There are a number of reasons why a driver may exhibit a poor driving style, such as speeding or aggressive driving. Examples include leaving a vehicle idling during a delivery or working to an unattainable schedule with pressure to catch up on ‘lost’ time by rushing to the next appointment. Whatever the reason may be, companies may view it as their responsibility to ensure that these additional pressures don’t put drivers or their vehicles at risk.
How can your business keep track of how well your vehicles are being driven? More to the point, how can you positively encourage drivers to maintain a high caliber of driving style?
The Solution
The SAE study also concluded coaching practices that are easily understood and consistently followed are necessary to drive lasting change in behavior. FleetLogik incorporates a ‘driving style’ tool that is designed for coaching driver behavior - to measure, manage, control and ultimately reduce these poor driving habits.

Interested in finding out how to monitor and better manage driver behavior and what benefits this can bring to your business? Read the full article here or learn more by contacting FleetLogik today.