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ROICalculator Minimize
Use the FleetLogik ROI Savings Calculator to estimate your benefits. Change the default values for each of the main categories to tailor the analysis to your operating conditions. There may be other benefits specific to your organization that FleetLogik can help you realize. Contact us for a more detailed evaluation on how FleetLogik can help drive your success.

Financial Benefit by Category


Fuel Savings

Wage Savings


Insurance Savings

Addnl Revenue

Fleet Utilization

Total Benefit

Fleet Monthly

Fleet Annually

Per Vehicle Monthly

Per Vehicle Ann

Financial Return on Investment Summary


Hardware and Installation:

Monthly Software Hosting:

Year 1 Investment Total:

Year 1 Benefit Total:

Year 1 ROI - Dollars:

Year 2 Investment Total:

Year 2 Benefit Total:

Year 2 ROI - Dollars *:

Fleet Total

Per Vehicle

Environmental Summary

Emission Type

Carbon Dioxide


Nitrous Oxides

Annual Greenhouse Gas Reductions

Carbon Monoxide


Annual Other Emissions Reductions

Annual All Emissions Reductions

Fleet Reduction

Per Vehicle

Environmental Return on Investment Summary


Hardware and Installation:

Monthly Software Hosting:

Year 1 Investment Total:

Year1 Environmental Benefit Total:

Cost/Ton Year1-Reduced Emissions:

Year 2 Investment Total:

Year2 Environmental Benefit Total) :

Cost/Ton Year2-Reduced Emissions* :

Gallons of Fuel Saved Per Year :

Fleet Total

Per Vehicle

Fleet Vehicle

Number of Vehicles in Fleet - Light

Number of Vehicles in Fleet - Heavy


Miles driven per day per vehicles?

Average fuel price/gallon

Average fleet MPG

Expected reduced miles traveled per vehicle(%)

Expected MPG increase(%)


Employee regular hourly wage

Operational hours saved per vehicle per week


Average cost per year per vehicle

Number of vehicles retired due to underutilization

Maintenance, Repair, and Roadside Assistance

Avg. maint. and repair costs per vehicle per year

Expected annual % savings for maint. and repair

Average number of tows/month - entire fleet

Average cost/tow


Per vehicle insurance premiums per year

Expected annual % savings in Insurance


Average revenue per job

Additional jobs per week companywide

System Investment

One time hardware investment per vehicle

One time installation investment per vehicle

Monthly software hosting investment per vehicle

Input TypeValues
Number of Vehicles in Fleet - Light
Number of Vehicles in Fleet - Heavy
Miles driven per day per vehicle
Average fuel price/gallon
Expected reduced miles traveled per vehicle(%)
Average fleet MPG
Expected MPG increase (%)
Employee regular hourly wage
Operational hours saved per vehicle per week
Average cost per year per vehicle
Number of vehicles retired due to underutilization
Maintenance, Repair, and Roadside Assistance
Avg. maint. and repair costs per vehicle per year
Expected annual % savings for maint. and repair
Average number of tows/month - entire fleet
Average cost/tow
Per vehicle insurance premiums per year
Expected annual % savings in Insurance
Average revenue per job
Additional jobs per week companywide
System Investment
One time hardware investment per vehicle
One time installation investment per vehicle
Monthly software hosting investment per vehicle

Financial Benefit by Category

Category Fleet Monthly Fleet Annually Per Vehicle Monthly Per Vehicle Annually
Fuel Savings
Wage Savings
Maint., Repair, and Roadside Savings
Insurance Savings
Additional Revenue
Fleet Utilization
Total Financial Benefit

Financial Return on Investment Summary

InvestmentFleet TotalPer Vehicle
Up Front Investment of Hardware and Installation
Monthly Software Hosting Investment
Year 1 Investment Total
Year 1 Benefit Total
Year 1 ROI - Dollars
Year 2 Investment Total
Year 2 Benefit Total
Year 2 ROI - Dollars *

Annual Environmental Benefit by Emission Type

Emission TypeFleet Reduction (lbs.)Per Vehicle (lbs.)
Carbon Dioxide
Nitrous Oxides
Total Annual Greenhouse Gas Reductions
Carbon Monoxide
Total Annual Other Emissions Reduction
Total Annual All Emissions Reductions

Environmental Return on Investment Summary

CategoryFleet Reduction (lbs.)Per Vehicle (lbs.)
Up Front Investment of Hardware and Installation
Monthly Software Hosting Investment
Year 1 Investment Total
Year 1 Environmental Benefit Total (lbs.)
Cost Per Ton Year 1 - Reduced Emissions
Year 2 Investment Total
Year 2 Environmental Benefit Total )lbs.)
Cost Per Ton Year 2 - Reduced Emissions*
Gallons of Fuel Saved Per Year
This tool and the estimated benefits are provided in good faith as a guideline to the potential Return on Investment (ROI) of implementing a fleet telematics solution. The data is based upon aggregated post-implementation analysis of FleetLogik client results and/or other external sources. We realize that there are alternate methods to calculate ROI, and that some assumptions and defaults may not be applicable to your organization. Data provided for the calculation is the user’s responsibility and FleetLogik Inc. does not make any representations or warranties of any kind. We further disclaim any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of any information provided. This ROI Savings Estimator and all content is subject to copyright © FleetLogik Inc.